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What is it?
A Chain of Prayer is when you attend a prayer meeting for a certain number of weeks without interruption in order to see a breakthrough in your life. Whether it is healing, a financial breakthrough or spiritual deliverance that you need, a Chain of Prayer helps you develop the faith and determination to overcome. Before starting a Chain you will need to decide what you want to fight for, and then decide the day, or days, that you will make your chain. A requirement to making a Chain of Prayer is that you attend a Sunday service every week.
Learning to release your faith
When a person makes a Chain of Prayer, their faith is encouraged, awakened and prepared to take possession of God’s promises. But due to the seriousness of their problems, some are so overwhelmed and worried that that they find it hard to use their faith in the first prayer meeting they attend. Though it does happen, only a few receive what they want on their very first visit. One prayer is not enough. Even Jesus taught us to pray always and never give up (Luke 18.1).
Before you start a Chain of Prayer, you should get your pastor’s advice. He will teach you, step by step, how to use your faith to overcome your problems. If you are attacked with doubt or confusion, or if your faith gets weak, do not hesitate to ask for help. Don’t be shy. One word of advice can prove to be invaluable, even more than a prayer. Just like a doctor gives you a series of treatments and monitors your progress until you are completely healed, our aim is to help you through your problems until you are strong enough to use your own faith and no longer need to depend on a pastor’s prayers. The essence of a Chain of Prayer is to teach you to be independent, to depend on yourself and God alone!
The success of a Chain of Prayer depends on your perseverance. If you’re not determined, it won’t work. When you begin a Chain, you are picking a fight with the root of your problems, and negative forces can try to stop you from completing the Chain, but no matter what happens, DO NOT BREAK IT! Be serious about this. It would better not to start a Chain than to start and not finish.
It’s up to you!
A Chain of Prayer is a biblical strategy for conquering blessings: God delivered His people from the Egyptians with 10 plagues; He told Joshua to march around Jericho 13 times; the prophet Elijah prayed for rain 7 different times. It works! It has worked for thousands of people just like you and it could also work for you. No matter how big your problem is, a Chain of Prayer will help you overcome. In fact, being faithful to a Chain of Prayer is proof of your faith to God. It’s time to declare war against your problems. Have you had ENOUGH of suffering? If so, start your Chain of Prayer at your nearest UCKG HelpCentre this week!
Take a look at our schedule of services and read the brief description for each day.
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[cmsmasters_quotes mode=”grid” columns=”2″ animation_delay=”0″][cmsmasters_quote image=”489|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/23-Benjamin-Shikunye-Free-from-debts-and-sickness.jpg|full” name=”Benjamin Shikunye” subtitle=”Free from Debts and Sickness”]
My name is Benjamin Shikunye Mwikhali. I came to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) through listening to the church’s program, Drying Tears in Radio Jambo while at home in Kitale. I was poor, sick and defeated. I had so many debts; owing my brothers, friends and banks. Eventually, no one wanted to associate with me including my own family members and close friends. Due to this shame, I decided to run away from home to Nairobi.
The first job i got when i came to Nairobi was a day-time security guard. My initial plan was when once I get to Nairobi, i will come to the church. However, I never did. I became very sick and the same problems I was facing while at home recurred.
I remember being hospitalised without being fully healed. This is because i did not have condition to pay for the hospital bill. That is when i decided to come to the church. I touched the cross and got healed on that very day. I was then introduced to the Chain of Prayers from Monday to Sunday. I also learned how to use my faith on the altar and participated in the Campaign of Israel.
Today, I am working in a logistic company delivering goods to and from South Africa. My family is at peace, I am free from debts and have peace inside me.
[/cmsmasters_quote][cmsmasters_quote image=”490|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/02-Mary-Kemunto-No-more-Asthma.jpg|full” name=”Mary Kemunto” subtitle=”No more Asthma”]
My name is Mary Kemunto, and before I came to the UCKG I was suffering from Asthma, a disease that you get difficulties in breathing when your lungs are congested, especially during cold season. I was young like 8yrs still at primary school when I got the disease, the doctor’s prescription didn’t work. I reached 25yrs still using inhalers even though it didn’t help. My condition got worse because I used the inhalers for such a long time that I developed another disease.
When I came to the Universal church I was introduced to the chain of prayer especially Tuesdays. I was anointed with the blessed oil and received the prayers of faith. My situation started to change step by step.
Now I can breathe well without difficulties. No more using medicines, intravenous injection and inhalers, am free and happy.
[/cmsmasters_quote][cmsmasters_quote image=”491|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/03-Faith-Gimase-I-am-now-transformed.jpg|full” name=”Faith Gimase ” subtitle=”I am now transformed”]
My name is Faith Gimase, and before I came to UCKG my spiritual life was down. I never had an encounter or a personal relationship with God and didn’t know what it meant to have the Holy Spirit inside my life.
I was invited to the UCKG by a friend and introduced to chain of prayers by the pastor. I was coming Wednesdays and Sundays to learn and seek the Holy Spirit. Step by step I started seeing changes and made a vow of commitment to God.
Now I am transformed and have a personal relationship with God. I am also a servant of God, helping others to fight for their spiritual lives as well.
[/cmsmasters_quote][cmsmasters_quote image=”492|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/04-Jane-Wambui-Love-life-restoration.jpg|full” name=”Jane Wambui” subtitle=”Love life restoration”]
My name is Jane Wambui, and before coming to the Universal Church I was leaving a miserable life and my relationship was broken apart due to the lack of faith and knowledge of the word of God. I did not believe that I could ever walk with my husband.
I came to the Universal Church through invitation of the soul winners and was introduced to the chain of prayers especially Thursdays and Sundays, seeking God for my marriage.
Today my love life is blessed, I have my own businesses which gives me condition to cater for my needs, my family is blessed and my spiritual life as well.
[/cmsmasters_quote][cmsmasters_quote image=”493|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/05-Robert-Osir-Faith-and-results.jpg|full” name=”Robert Osir” subtitle=”Faith and results”]
My name is Robert Osir Metho, and before coming to the Universal church my life was destroyed in all areas; my family, my finances etc. Supporting my family was a hard task because I had no job or life skills to depend on and didn’t know what to do to overcome my problem.
I came to the universal church and was introduced to the chain of prayers where I learnt that through my faith and my revolt nothing is impossible.
Today my financial life is blessed, I have my own businesses which gives me condition to cater for my responsibilities, my family is blessed and my spiritual life as well.
[/cmsmasters_quote][cmsmasters_quote image=”494|https://uckg.or.ke/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/06-Esther-Wambui-Dream-came-true.jpg|full” name=”Esther Wambui” subtitle=”Dream came true”]
My name is Esther Wambui, and before my family and I joined to UCKG our financial lives were broken and we lived in misery, and therefore my parents couldn’t provide for me and siblings a quality education.
When we came to the UCKG we were taught how to make the chain of prayers and how to participate in movements of Faith on the altar. I took part because I wanted God to give my parents condition to pay my school fees.
After, God opened the door for my parents they never struggled to pay my school fees; I finished my primary and secondary school without any arrears. Now am in campus of my choice, God has been faithful, providing for my school fees. Now am in my final year soon to achieve my career dream of being a lawyer.
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