Friday, February 14, 2025


To Be Saved, You Need Submission.


Jesus always makes a personal plea.
He never invites people to “join the church,” “get baptised,” or “donate money.” He teaches People on submission to the Lord.

All he says is, “Come unto me.” Jesus is essentially saying, “Surrender to me, Be mine, and be under my care.

” I am the way, the truth, and the life, as Christ declared in John 14:6. No other way but through Me can anybody reach the Father.

This shows us that we need Jesus, for our salvation.

To have Jesus is to be His own, to submit to Him, and to be His possession. You can only say I will see the Father after that.

How do we become members of Jesus is the question at hand.


It’s easy: Christ promises that we will be satisfied,

He is saying that if we turn to Him, He will provide our needs. “We will be filled with the Spirit of God, “the Holy Spirit” when we come to Him.

Come and eat from the Bread of Life if you are hungry.

Come and drink from the Water of Life if you are thirsty.

There is rest for those who are worn out and burdened.

Are you guilty?, Come and receive forgiveness.

Come back to Jesus if you have wandered too far from the Father, and He will lead you there once more.

Fill the Vacuum.

Every human soul contains a void that, if not filled by God, will eventually be filled by something else.
So many more individuals have fuelled their souls with the junk food of this world.

That is why today they are living the same way. They switch between jobs frequently, relationships frequently, and churches frequently.

This world can only provide aching letdowns and desolation.

They behave similarly to a young child who refuses to let go of a marble in exchange for a diamond.

“I’m not going to sacrifice my weekend relationship for externalism.
Peace and forgiveness in exchange for a ruined marriage and a failing career?
Ignore it.
Give up my drug use and receive forgiveness for all my transgressions?
Never, man.
You claim that I can exchange my rage and resentment for satisfaction and calm.
I am unable to take the risk.

It makes sense why they continue to act this way.
They are enmeshed in a bottomless hole of justifications. To risk all on Jesus, they would rather to live in sorrow and pain.

But the painful reality is that until you prioritize God in your life, you will never be happy.
Because without the Holy Spirit, you are unable to achieve it.

And until you completely give your life to Jesus Christ, you will never be able to receive the Holy Spirit.

Salvation and Submission Must Come First.

Salvation starts with an empty heart that cries out to be filled.
If you want to start again because you’re sick of the life you’ve been leading. You need Spiritual Submission to the Lord.

If you desire something badly enough, you can achieve it in the spiritual world.

Christ said,

If one thirst and hunger for righteousness, he will be blessed, because he will be satisfied by God.

So Are you famished?
Are you hydrated?
If so, it is possible to fill you.
Because God has made this promise to those with empty hearts and thirsty souls.

For more spiritual advice, you can join us every Sunday at 10 am and Wednesday at 6pm

So,You can reach us at +254 729 243 699 or +254 700 391 485 for further details. Additionally, you can SMS us using the same contact on Telegram or WhatsApp.

Or write us an email on

You Can as well visit one of the UCKG branch near near you and speak to the Pastor and explain to him that you would like to join this great movement.

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