Friday, February 14, 2025



Monday Congress of Success


When faced with financial challenges, it can be exhausting and stressful to try your own solutions without putting God first.

Instead, why not give it your all while putting God first by attending the congress of success.
Join the UCKG for the Congress of Success every Monday at No. 1 Kijabe Street, the former Globe Cinema, near Globe Roundabout (7am,10am,1pm,3pm, and especially 6pm). Or join any UCKG branch near you.

This services are for you to battle for your income and learn the greatest strategies for breaking through in your financial life .

You’ll be strengthened in your faith and relationship with Christ as a result of these potent miracle prayers asking God for financial assistance.

“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it”.

 (Proverbs 10:22)

Tuesday – The Day of Healing


When we discuss health and illness, we don’t just mean physical illnesses of the body.

Yes, there are a lot of people going through challenging times with their health.

Some have fatal illnesses, some have contagious diseases, and still others may have been active in different activities or had other factors that contributed to their health issues.

God responds to these people’s faith when they apply it and form a chain of prayers on Tuesday for their healing.

As a result, there are numerous testimonies of people who have been healed.

However, there are many different diseases.

In addition to the physical illnesses mentioned above, there are also financial illnesses and spiritual illnesses.

Every Tuesday in all the branches, we battle these illnesses in the UCKG. Your health may be okay but your pocket may be ill or you may not be having peace.

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are my praise”.(Jeremiah 17:14).

Come and be a testimony for your healing.

Wednesday – Bible study


Have you ever wanted to learn more about God and your faith?

Would you like a spiritual mid-week boost to strengthen your faith?

Our Wednesday meetings are dedicated to helping you widen your understanding of faith and spirituality through studying the Word of God.

These meetings offer you the opportunity to grow closer to God and are essential to those who want to have personal alliance with God.

The Wednesday meetings are more than simply a pick-me-up for the middle of the week; they also give you the spiritual refreshment you need to confront any unforeseen fights that may emerge the rest of the week.
You are strengthened and enlightened throughout Faith School through a thorough study of God’s Word.
You have plenty of opportunities to seek God’s presence and strengthen your connection with Him.
You’ll discover that you can’t end a Wednesday meeting the same way you started.

Thursday – Family and Love Therapy


In order to guarantee a blessed family and  love life, you must develop your relationship first with God.

Through both challenging and joyful seasons, we can learn to love our family better.

 Bring your family to attend the  Love Therapy and prayer for family service every Thursdays.

We will learn how to keep our families safe in His hands and how to love intelligently.

Annually we have events that take place in order to continue to spread the love like  

-The Wedding of Weddings  ⠀                

  God created the family unit as a source of growth, strength, and love just as He demonstrated to us.

 ” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved”.(John 3:16-17)

Friday – Spiritual Cleansing⠀ 


Every Friday, we offer a service to free you from your captivity.

In order to fix an issue, you must first identify its underlying cause before offering a remedy.

Deliverance from bad spirits or the spirit of witchcraft, envy, etc. is frequently sought after.

It’s crucial to realize that as Christians, we already have triumph over devil on an everlasting scale.

But by using two tools God has given us as part of our Spiritual amor, in our struggle “against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of  evil in the upper realms,” we may be freed from their hold on our life.

The believer employs the Word of God as an offensive weapon against the spirit of darkness while defending himself with the shield of faith.

No spirit or strength can overcome these two.

 Saturday – the day of impossible


Which issue or circumstance have you tried to resolve just to discover that it is impossible?
Do not give up because it is not finished until God declares it to be so.

We pray for the impossible to be made possible on Saturdays.

But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)

Sunday – The Day of the Lord


There is nothing that can prevent you from battling for your salvation.

Few have the ability to affirm or deny the significance of salvation.

Others may be religiously indoctrinated or adherents of a certain church or religion, but you are still required to respond to the question, “where will your soul go when you die?”

Your soul is engaged in a struggle that is fought solely by you; nonetheless, this struggle does not conclude in a single day.

Since no one knows when their time will come, it must be done promptly and frequently.

Every Sunday join us to pray for our salvation.

We can not be complacent when our salvation is involved since our enemy the devil does not rest in a battle of taking you to hell.

If you want more information about our services, feel free to reach us through the platforms below:

Call us at (254) 729-243-699 or (254) 700-391-485,

Chat with us on WhatsApp or Telegram,

Or email us at
For more spiritual enforcement, you can also follow us on Facebook and YouTube.

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