Thursday, January 16, 2025


Are you prepared?


With barely a few days left, it will arrive. Come purchase your kits at the local Universal Church for only Kshs. 500.
This is a fantastic chance for couples to spend quality time together without interruption to talk about the issues impacting their marriage.

Many times, couples don’t spend enough time together talking and communicating about the things that matter to them.

Their relationships, as a result, many marriages collapse and others have troubles.

Even when they talk to each other, they occasionally understand each other.

This because nobody wants to listen to what the other person has to say or nobody wants to admit they were wrong and apologize.

Perhaps the difficulty has been that whenever you and your partner are about to speak or discuss the matter, one of the following will divert their attention: kids, television, or the radio Maybe you’re listening to music, but your partner isn’t, which leads to arguments or misunderstandings.

Perhaps you’ve hesitated to ask your spouse for something because you were worried about how they might respond. Now is the time to be really honest with your partner.

In order to ensure that there is harmony and peaceful communication among the spouses, the UCKG organizes this program, which is overseen and controlled by church authorities.

We provide participants with a sample list of questions to ask one another throughout the session. These inquiries are intended to encourage constructive dialogue with their significant other.
For the married, the single, and the people in relationships, we will have various inquiry formats.

The questions are quite intriguing; for instance, they can ask married couples, “What would you like me to modify to make our marriage better?”

There won’t be any arguments or battles over the answers to these questions.

What Of the Singles?


We will make sure to invest in every singleton this year and provide them with the best experience.

We recognize that everyone is unique and that some people are shyer than others.

With this in mind, we will set up a variety of activities and games to encourage discussion among the singles in attendance.

Everyone is welcome to attend the love walk event, including married couples, those who are dating, widows, widowers, and single people.

In an effort to find a compatible companion, the singles will mix with one another. Who knows, maybe this is the chance you’ve been hoping for.


Everyone who attends this event, whether they are married or single, benefits from it because it is a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your significant other and engage in your relationship.

Even individuals who are not members of the Universal Church Of The Kingdom Of God are welcome to attend this event. On the 29th Oct 11am.

You can reach us through the following platforms for more information

Helplines: +254 729 243 699 or +254 700 391 485

Or you can chat with us on Telegram and WhatsApp

You can also write and email on:

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