My name is Phellisters Ndalo. Before I came to the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG), my life was totally destroyed. My mother used to speak negative things about me which made my siblings despise me. This brought bitterness inside me and hatred towards my family especially my mother. I hated myself so much that most of the time I would be alone in the room. I lost my self-esteem and became depressed. My life was all about crying that suicidal thoughts creeped in.
I experienced the first smile of my life when I was invited the church by my father. I was introduced to the Chain of Prayers and learned how to overcome my depression, hatred and suicidal thoughts. I also found courage to forgive my mother and my siblings.
God transformed my life and today I value myself, I am no longer depressed, no low self-esteem neither do I have suicidal thoughts. I got a job and my financial life is blessed. Grudges are a past now and most importantly, I received the Holy Spirit. My life is completely blessed.
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